Experimental Study of Parallel-Connected DC-DC Buck-Boost Converters FPGA Chaos Controlled


Ammar Natsheh
Dubai Women’s College
hanh Hai Nguyen
Dubai Women’s College
Preetha Sreekumar
Dubai Women’s College


Power Supply, Photovoltaic Modules, Smart Controller, Buck-Boost Converter


This is a Chapter in:

Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods

Print ISBN 978-1-6692-0008-6
Online ISBN 978-1-6692-0007-9


Chronicle of Computing

Chapter Abstract:

Chaos control is used to design a controller that is able to eliminate the chaotic behavior of nonlinear dynamic systems that experience such phenomena. This paper discuss the use of the FPGA as a controller of a parallel-connected DC-DC buck-boost converter, the goal of this paper is to build a controller that is capable of controlling the output current of a photovoltaic cells and minimize the effect of the module buck-boost converter chaotic behavior on the output voltage. To achieve this goal this paper presents two different methods, FPGA control the duty cycle and the frequency of the output controlling signal, this technique is done through software (FPGA code), and a delayed feedback control scheme in a module converter in the continuous-current conduction mode (CCM) using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation. Thus, this paper shows the FPGA capabilities in the power industry and it’s specifies a guideline to overcome some of the obstacles when dealing with an FPGA as a buck-boost converter controller, and MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the scheme.

Cite this paper as:

Natsheh A., Nguyen T. H., Sreekumar P. (2024). Experimental Study of Parallel-Connected DC-DC Buck-Boost Converters FPGA Chaos Controlled. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Competitive Tools, Techniques, and Methods. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP. CEST24#21. https://doi.org/10.55432/978-1-6692-0007-9_11

Accepted for:
The 2024 OkIP International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Technologies (CEST) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on April 3, 2024

Ammar Natsheh


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Experimental Study of Parallel-Connected DC-DC Buck-Boost Converters FPGA Chaos Controlled


August 24, 2024

Online ISSN


Print ISSN
