Robustness Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Portfolio Selection
Online Portfolio Selection, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Resource Allocation, Robustness Analysis, Market RepresentationSynopsis
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Intelligent Computing and Consumer Support Applications
Chronicle of Computing
Chapter Abstract:
Online Portfolio Selection (OLPS) requires a careful mix of assets to minimize risk and maximize rewards over a trading episode. The stochastic, non-stationary aspect of the market makes decision-making very complex. Heuristic methods relying on historical returns were traditionally used to select assets that found a balance of risk and reward. However, improvements in modeling time series from Neural Networks led to new solutions. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has become a popular approach to solve this problem, but its methods rarely reach a consensus among publications. In other fields, solutions using non-Markovian state representations are frequent. Crafting rewards to improve agent learning is common but has effects on the resulting behaviors. The resulting processes are rarely compared to other recent State-of-the-Art solutions but to heuristic algorithms. The proliferation of approaches motivated us to benchmark them using traditional financial metrics, and evaluate their robustness over time and across market conditions. We aim to evaluate the contributions to measured performance from each method in market representation, policy learning and value estimation.
Online Portfolio Selection, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Resource Allocation, Robustness Analysis
Cite this paper as:
Velay M., Doan B.-L., Rimmel A., Popineau F., Daniel F. (2023) Robustness Analysis of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Portfolio Selection. In: Tiako P.F. (ed) Intelligent Computing and Consumer Support Applications. Chronicle of Computing. OkIP.
Presented at:
The 2022 OkIP International Conference on Automated and Intelligent Systems (CAIS) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, and Online, on October 3-6, 2022
Marc Velay
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